Using a credential store for DockerHub login

Whenever there’s a need to push images (public or private) or pull images from privates repositories from DockerHub you need to login first. With the docker client CLI that’s achieved with:

docker login

It then asks for the credentials to use for logging in. The problem with this approach is explicitly mentioned in output of that command.

In my case:

Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: chibby0ne
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/turing/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

The password is stored unencrypted (although not in plain-text).

Visiting the link you will find there are a number of docker-credentials helpers in docker-credentials-helpers for every Operating System.

For Linux, I decided to go with pass and use the appropriate docker-credential-helper for it.

Pass is a password store that keeps passwords in a GPG encrypted file.

The steps to set it up are very straightforward:

  1. Install pass

    Install pass using your package manager if its available, otherwise download a release and install it using make install

    You can find all the options in the official website: pass

  2. Install docker-credential-pass

    You need a Go installation to build the binaries. If you don’t have one yet just install it using your package manager, and set the GOPATH environment variable to the place where you want to have your go projects. For more information visit:

    Assuming you have a Go installation then:

    • Fetch the sources with:

      go get

      This will download the repo and place it in $GOPATH/src/

    • Build the helper that uses pass by running:

      make pass

      The binary docker-credential-pass will be located in the bin/ directory. You need to copy the binary to a directory included in the PATH environment so that the docker client CLI can actually find it.

  3. Log out

    Run docker logout.

    If you where already logged in you should see:

    Removing login credentials for

    If you where not logged in, you should see:

    Not logged in to
  4. Modify the ~/.docker/config.json to use the docker-credential-pass

    Add the following key/value pair:

        "credsStore": "pass"

    By now your ~/.docker/config.json should look something like this (User-Agent might be different):

    	"auths": {},
    	"HttpHeaders": {
    		"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.05.0-ce (linux)"
    	"credsStore": "pass"
  5. Initialize pass

    You need to tell pass which GPG keypair you’re going to use to encrypt/decrypt the password.


    pass init GPG_ID

    Where GPG_ID is the fingerprint or email address that identifies the key.

    If you don’t have a GPG keypair yet, then proceed to create it using: gpg --full-gen-key and configure the settings using the interactive prompt.

  6. Login

    Run docker login and enter your credentials, but this time after entering the username and password, you should see a prompt to enter the password for the selected GPG key.

    Important to note is that the output should not have the warning message anymore.

  7. Done!

    That’s it. Now the you are logged in but the credentials are not stored unencrypted in the ~/.docker/config.json file.

Last modified on 2018-08-11

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